Thursday, April 15, 2010

4 months old!

Logan turned 4 months about a week ago, but I delayed in posting until we had his pediatrician appointment. Today was his appointment and he is definitely a strong, growing boy. He weighs 16 lb 3oz (77%) and is 27 inches long (99%). He got a couple more shots but so far today he has been very happy. Hopefully he sleeps well tonight especially since last night he gave me a 9 hour stretch! Occasionally, he rolls over from his belly to his back and most of the time it is in his crib. The doctor recommended starting rice cereal when he's about 5 months, so we'll be looking forward to that. Here are some 4 month pics.

I love this one because it shows his chubbiness so well. We're not sure what happened to his neck. :)

This is my favorite! My sister took this just at the right moment!